Our Mission
"The golden years are worth recovering". Many in society wish not to recognize the disturbing plight of its older citizens suffering from chemical dependency / prescription drugs or street drugs. SRC has seen amazing outcomes/ progress that can enrich and enliven the remaining years of so many elderly citizens if these problems are addressed.
We believe that it is of tremendous value to our community to restore hope, happiness, and human dignity among vulnerable and deserving citizens. Senior Recovery Program was the first senior specific treatment program in the country, and is the only alcohol and chemical dependency program exclusively for seniors in the Twin Cities that conforms to the landmark federal treatment protocols for "Substance Abuse Among Older Adults." These protocols incorporate life-stage appropriate approaches to intervention, counseling, treatment, and ongoing support to meet the unique needs of seniors experiencing life-threatening substance abuse problems. We have found that people are never too old to make a change. Hope and happiness can come to those who seek help and earnestly want it.
Seniors need our help. Senior Recovery Center is the ONLY senior specific licensed program for the seniors in the Twin Cities, and the only one that was designed for seniors from the ground up.
“We were at our wit’s end with Dad’s excessive drinking. Thank goodness we found the Senior Recovery Center. Now, he is not only sober, but living a happy, serene, and purposeful life.”